How To Install Google Chrome On OpenSUSE Leap

In this tutorial, I will show you how to install Google Chrome on OpenSUSE Leap 42.1 and 42.2. We will use the zypper package manager to add Google Chrome repository and then install it.

Install Google Chrome on OpenSUSE

Open up a terminal and add Google Chrome repository using the following command. ar stands for add repository.

sudo zypper ar Google-Chrome


Adding repository 'Google-Chrome' ..............................................................................................................[done]
Repository 'Google-Chrome' successfully added
Enabled     : Yes                                                
Autorefresh : No                                                 
GPG Check   : Yes                                                
URI         :

Now refresh repository. ref is short for refresh.

sudo zypper ref

In order to verify the integrity of packages downloaded from Google Chrome repository, we need to download and import Google’s public signing key using the commands below.


sudo rpm --import

Now we can install Google Chrome using the following command. in stands for install.

sudo zypper in google-chrome-stable

This command will install the stable version of Google Chrome. If you want beta or unstable version, use the following commands.

sudo zypper in google-chrome-beta

sudo zypper in google-chrome-unstable

Actually you can install all three versions of Google Chrome on the same system.

install Google Chrome on OpenSUSE

Install Chromium Browser On OpenSUSE

Google Chrome is based upon an open source browser named Chromium. Google chrome has a closed-source flash player built in. If you don’t care about flash player or you just want a fast and 100% open source Web browser, then install Chromium on openSUSE with this simple command.

sudo zypper in chromium

Install Chromium Browser On OpenSUSE


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11 Responses to “How To Install Google Chrome On OpenSUSE Leap

  • Robert Collins
    8 years ago

    You Rock, why is it so difficult to find this straight forward info on other sites? Please keep up the good work and Thanks!

  • besrate hogsa
    4 months ago

    thank you
    it worked flawlessly

  • Tom Myatt
    4 months ago

    getting this error: /usr/bin/google-chrome
    /usr/bin/google-chrome: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

  • Felix Ray
    4 months ago

    Sweet! I was trying to download and install the RPM package from the chrome sit (like I’ve always done with the Ubuntu *.deb package), and it was no dice.

  • I did some research and 2 years ago Google hosed the licensing/certification for Chrome in Linux distro’s with a 32 bit architecture but apparently they’ve now hosed it on 64 bit as well.

    I am trying to branch out from Ubuntu based distro’s because I keep butting heads with Wine. I was hoping the latest version of Mint cinamon would work better because it’s stretching it’s wings a little from Ubuntu but it’s still got enough of Ubuntu that Ubuntu’s Wine issue is still haunting users.

    So I decided to try OpenSuse. I love everything about Leap 15 KDE but I couldn’t figure out how to get Chrome installed.

    The Debian installer must somehow realize that there is a cert verification issue and has a built in script to bypass it where as rpm and the typical Discover/Yast2 options don’t.

    I thank you profusely for your skills in Linux and helping me grow.

    I’m unemployed so I can’t provide financial support but you have my undying thanks and gratitude.

    • Xiao Guo An (Admin)
      2 months ago

      I’m glad that this article helped you 🙂

  • Sergio A Ramirez Amador
    6 years ago

    Hi. Now I can watch Netflix on Opensuse Leap 15 thanks to you.

  • carlosraulcarcamotejada
    6 years ago

    Funcionó correctamente , muchas gracias por el aporte, sigan así por favor.

  • If I follow this then when I:

    sudo zypper ref

    I get a:

    File ‘repomd.xml’ from repository ‘Google-Chrome’ is signed with an unknown key

    Unless I first:

    sudo rpm –import

    Just thought anybody else who runs into the same problem might want to know what fixed it for me.

  • Carlos EER
    5 years ago

    excellent tutorial, easy and efficacy

  • Вадим
    4 years ago

    Спасибо. Приложение было установлено легко.
    Я использую opensuse leap 15.

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